MY PETS GINGE (also called Sealy) I havent owned a pet myself for quite a few years. When I first met Bert, he owned a dog called Ginge. There are many stories I can tell about Ginge. One day when Bert was at work a stray pup wandered into the work yard, he looked hungry so Bert gave him some food, while he was eating Berts boss( he wasnt very well liked) came out and went to kick the pup but the pup stood his ground and growled so Bert decided to keep him. When the pup was about 6mth. old a man saw Bert with him and told him it was his dog but that he could have him and he told Bert the dog was half kelpie half dingo. Ginge was a great dog, he was what is called a mule and he was a great fighter there wasnt a dog in the surrounding streets that could beat him. The only dog that ever bettered him was a Great Dane, he almost tore Ginges eye out, he had to have quite a few stitches but Ginge wasnt going to be beaten as soon as he was feeling well enough he went looking for the Great Dane but fortuneatelely it had been taken away. When I was pregnant with my first baby I was told I would have to watch the dog as he could become jealous and maybe attack the baby. It was just the opposite he was the babys protector. One day when the baby was about 6mths old I took him with me while I went to have my hair cut. I left the baby in the pram outside the shop. A few minutes later a lady came in and asked whose baby it was when I said it was mine she said that dog wont let anyone near the pram. Unbekownst to me Ginge had followed me and was sitting next to the pram. Ginge lived to a good age but got very sick and had to be euthanised. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COCKO ( The gala) Why a gala was called cocko I dont know. One day when Bert & has parents were out for a Sunday drive they saw this gala on the side of the road they stopped to look at it and saw that someone had shot it and wounded it in the wing. They took y home cleaned it up and looked after it but h never flew again the wing was too badly damaged. WHITEY The Cat About 6mths. after we were married Bert brought home a white kitten and with much imagination I named him Whitey. Whitey had 1 blue eye and 1 yellow eye. I learned years later that cats with the same colour eyes are deaf but if they have different coloured eyes they arent. Whitey was quite a large cat. Bert had a 2nd job working at the local picture theater. When he would come home at night Whitey would be waiting on gate post and would jump onto Berts shoulder as he went past. When we moved from Tamworth to Wauchope Bert decided to leave the animals at Tamworth as we didn't have a permanent home in Wauchope. Two years after moving to Wauchope we had aletter from Berts mother telling us that both Ginge & Whitey had to be euthanised. Ginge had become very ill & Whitey had been poisoned. There were tears. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BEES, BIRDS & DUCKS. We had about 8 bee hives. You would not exactly call bees pets but Bert found it very relaxing to sit in front of the hives & watch the bees work. We also enjoyed extracting the honey & the honey was nice. ___________________ We were given a female Canary & someone gave us a male so we could breed. WE had about 8 breeding pairs. One of the mothers threw a baby out of the nest so I raised it. Tweety was a real pet shewould sit on my shoulder as I worked round the house, sit on my shoulder & try to eat off my spoon or take the food from my mouth. Not very hygenic. Peter was about 2yrs. old at the time, he had a small plastic truck on a piece of string, Tweety woukld sit in the truck while Peter pulled it round the verandah. Both of them had fun. We decided to breed from Tweety but she became egg bound and died. Many tears. ______________ DUCKS. Once when Bert was working on a farm the farmers wife gave him a couple of ducklings, to raise for the table. Those ducks grew and became pets they would follow me all over the place so no dinner table for them. When we moved to Wauchope the ducks were left behind. Mrs Robinson didn't consider them pets so killed & ate them. More tears. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~