These are just some thoughts I have had and observations made. To a great many people, there comes a time in their life when they know in their heart they need something more than material things This is when we begin seeking, and this is when we find that God has been waiting for us to begin but we must seek Him with all our heart. We will seek God when we realise we re sinners and need forgiveness for our sin. We will seek God for His goodness. We will seek Him when we need strength to face our troubles. When we need peace and harmony in our lives. We will seek Him when we need healing. We will seek the Lord when we need knowledge and the wisdom to use it. When we need any help at all we will seek God. For all thins we should seek God but first and above all we should seek Him for Himself. We can seek God in hope and trust, confidently knowing that He will hear us. So let us seek and find Him and let Him live in our hearts and guide us through all our life. Be joyful, giving thanks and praise at all times for all His help. Jesus is seeking those who are lost and is waiting for us to seek and find. He knocks on the door of our hearts but waits for us to open it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RESPONSIBILITY I am responsible for my own life. I have given my life to God, surrendered everything to Him but He has given me life, Jesus died that I may live I am alive in Christ and I in Christ , must take responsibility of my life, be a good steward of my own life. God has given me gifts (talents) I must use them to serve others and to glorify Him. I am responsible for every word I speak (Mat.12:36) I am responsible for every deed I do (Rom.14:12; Heb.4:13) I will be held accountable for every word and action. I will also be held accountable for every omission of action. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Importance of Prayer. If we are unable to serve God in a physical way we can serve Him by praying. Prayer is a very important part of our Christian life, it is not just a matter of asking for something, it is a time for being quiet in the presence of God, a time of reflection, of searching and of listening. It is a time to begin our day communing with God, a time for looking back over our day, our life. It is a time for listening and responding to the voice of God. God may not answer our prayers the way we would like Him to but He WILL answer the way He knows best. When we pray in the name of Jesus, it is not a matter of just tacking the name of Jesus on to the end of our prayer, it is to pray as He would pray. We need to ask ourselves: "Is this the way Jesus would pray, would Jesus ask for this?" Then if the answer is yes go ahead and pray. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` On the night of our wedding my husband told me that as he watched me walking downd the aisle a ray of sunshine shone through the church door and surrounded me with an aura of light and I looked beautiful. Years later after I had been born again I thought of this and thought that this must be how God sees us, with the aura (the mantle) of Christ surrounding us we look beautiful to Him ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HARMONY. God has called us into fellowship with His Son Jesus, to be at one with Him, children of God, therefore, we should live in harmony, that is in tune with one another. If we had a lot of musical instruments, all out of tune, playing together, there would be an aweful noise but an orchestra fully tuned playing the same piece of music makes a beautiful sound. We are the body, Christ is the head. We all have different functions but we must work together in harmony to keep the body active and in good health. As God's children and brothers and sisters to Jesus, heirs with Jesus to the promises of God, we should live and work together in harmony, united together in the fellowship of Christ, as God called us to. Living as one with Jesus and each other so that the rest of the world will recognize Jesus in us and know that God is, and will be glorified.