I began this site just for fun to see if I could do it, after a few false starts I managed to get somewhere. I have put on some of the poems I have written. I am not a poet, have just been inspired to write a poem now and then. I have rheumatoid arthritis and some of the poems are trying to put my experiences through this disease. Some are about my experiences of my walk with the Lord. And then there are others. I have put a story of faith, my testimony and some of my thoughts and observations. I hope you may find something here that may interest you. God bless all who may read this ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just added some pictures to put a bit of colour onto page.

On this home page, the "doorway" to my site, I'll introduce myself and talk about my reasons for wanting a web site. I might put a picture of myself on this page...or just a picture that I especially like. I am making this website to put my poetry on. Please sign my guestbook with any comments or reactions you have to my site. You can also contact me privately. I love to get mail! my e-mail address is: drobinson@tac.com.au