This poem is dedicated to a very good friend Isabelle There is a woman that I know Whose heart is as big as forever When I want a friendly chat I go along and visit her. When she greets me at the door She makes me feel Im just the one That she has been waiting for Come in, come in, she says With a large welcome smile Sit down and have a cuppa Out comes the cups and tea and cake And what a lovely chat we have The times fly by so very fast When in such happy company I feel so warm and welcome there It fills me with an inner glow And when the time comes to leave It is with reluctance that I go As she walks me to the door Come again is her parting call ************************************* Clouds Lying on my back on the soft green grass, Watching the clouds roll by Watching them being shaped by the wind, Forming pictures, constantly being changed. There are some dark horses, prancing about, With their manes flying about in the breeze. Theres a mans face with a long white beard. Now its a lions heard, looking fierce. A gust of wind and the pictures change. Theres turrets of a castle, with banners flying. Now a ship with sails billowing in the wind. It makes me quiver with delight, As my imagination takes me traveling, Sailing in ships to far away places, With many exciting things to see. Oh! What a shame the clouds have gone, Time to pack up and head for home. ****************************************** The Return Light danced in her blue eyes Twinkling like stars in the sky As she sat watching the fire burn Dreaming of her beloveds return A letter had come in the mail that day To let her know he was on his way Many homecomings thered been in the past But this time was to be the last. Back and forth her happy thought ran Of the deep love she had for her man It had grown and deepened over the years Through all the partings and many tears But now his wandering days were done Hes coming home, her thoughts run Coming home to make her his wife To be together for the rest of their life. *******************************************8 A Peaceful Scene Tall straight trees, surround the campsite. Smoke drifts from the fire beside the tent. A man sits on a log waiting for the billy to boil, He lifts his head to listen to a birds morning call. A beam of light shines through the morning mist, Highlighting the peace and serenity of the scene. ***************************************************** Morning On A Farm A rooster crows his welcome to the morning, As the sun shows his bright face over the horizon. The sound of cows bellowing, comes from the farmyard, As they wait for the farmer to milk them. Children laugh as they run barefoot on the grass. An aroma of frying bacon arises from the kitchen As the farmers wife cooks the family breakfast. So begins another day on a farm. ************************************************* In memory of many happy days at the beach A Day at the Beach Waves washed around the mans feet, As he cast the line into the water, His mind set on the big one, That he is hoping to catch today. Seagulls screech as they fly overhead, Then swoop to tease a dog on the beach. The dog chases the seagulls with glee, With nary a chance of catching one, But nevertheless happy in his pursuit. Children playing at the waters edge, Join in the chase with happy laughter. The mother smiles as she watches, Her heart filled with love and contentment. ################################################ I couldn't sleep one night and these words buzzed round in my head, I had to get up and write them down, then I was able to get to sleep. That Elusive Sleep Sleep, sleep, whereart thou sleep. I lie in my bed yearning, For that elusive thing sleep. My eyelids droop, at last, But no, wide awake again. Yawn, yawn, oh me, oh my, Sand in my eye. Seems like hours dragging by. Nodding, nodding Yawwwwn, yaaazzzzzzz Goodness gracious! Its morning Wow! At last, I slept. ###################################### A River It begins in the catchment area, On the mountain tops above, And travels down the slopes To the valley below. On the journey downward It rushes over high rocky crops And falls over with a mighty roar, Into turbulent pools below. It wends its way further down Through banks high and low Through forests it will wind its way, Shadows making it look mysterious. Through green fields it steadily moves From its banks, thirsty animals drink Through towns and villages it moves on Moving sometimes fast sometimes slow As it continues on to its destiny below And so it goes wending its way Singing its watery traveling song Sometimes happy sometimes somber Reaching at last the open sea. The river ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Journeys End A dirt track meanders through A forest of tall gum trees Early morning sun shines through The canopy of leaves A chorus of birds singing Fills the morning air Theres a sound of buzzing bees As they collect nectar from the blossoms The raucous laughter of kookaburras Greets the new day An old man appears on the track Leading his trusty old horse His faithful dog following behind The old mans eyes are shining A look of happiness on is face. As he talks to his old mates We have traveled his country far and wide Seen some wonderful places But none so beautiful As that which is at the end of this track Our journeys end Home.
