1) GODS GARDEN There is a beautiful garden somewhere Where roses in all their colourful splendour Grow in great profusion, their perfume blending With the scent of carnations of every colour There are daffodils shining in the sunlight Pansies lifting up their faces to the light Lovely white lilies standing in their purity The little violets hiding under the bushes Patients growing along the borders The noble delphiniums standing tall Daisies, Sweet Alice and many many more This is Gods flower garden where Flowers of every kind grow together In peace and harmony. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2) WORDS. We must be careful of the words we speak, We must choose our words carefully. For words once spoken, cannot be recalled. One wrong word can pierce like an arrow, The wound may never be healed. So please think carefully, before uttering Something hurtful or unkind. A kind word can be healing. Can be like ointment on a wound. So choose your words carefully, When speaking at any time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3) BELONGING. We belong to God, we are his. But He does not force himself upon us. He has given us freedom of will To choose if we want to belong. When we really believe in God and choose to seek Him, Then we must do so With all our heart and soul For when we do seek him He is waiting with open arms. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4) JESUS IS KING. Jesus Christ is King. King of all creation. Everything created is His. His reign is forever, And never ever will end. Let Jesus reign in your life, Let your hear be filled with Him. He will lovingly guide you, And never lead you astray. Jesus Christ is King ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5) THE KINGDOM OF GOD. What is the kingdom of God And where d we find it? The kingdom is of righteousness And its citizens all righteous The kingdom is good news To those who seek to find it. We will enter into the kingdom When we are born from above The kingdom is a place of peace Of joy, of love, of hope. The kingdom is within us When we accept his love In the kingdom of his light We will all delight The kingdom of God is everlasting And Jesus Christ is King. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6) WHAT JESUS MEANS TO ME. I would like to share with you What Jesus means to me He is my Saviour, my Lord, my God. In my life He reigns supreme, Without Him I would be nothing, My life would have no meaning. Putting Jesus first in everything, Makes life so much brighter.
Jesus comforts me in sorrow. He strengthens me when I am weak. When temptation comes my way, He gives me the power to overcome. He forgives me for my past mistakes And gives me courage to face today He is my ever present help And my hope for times to come
It fills my heart with joy and delight, Just to be alive in Christ It gives me peace and contentment To rest trustfully in his care I love my Lord with all my heart He means everything to me For he loved me so very much He gave his life for me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7) JESUS MY BROTHER. I never had a brother, now Jesus is one to me Big and strong and protective as a brother should be When a friend is needed, Jesus is there for me I go to him for brotherly advice, he counsels me When in any need at all, there is no one better to call Than our Lord Jesus, the greatest brother of all. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8) A BEAUTIFUL PLACE. Rising early morning before the sun, I see the mists in the valley, Shining like a silver sea, Oh what a lovely sight to see Then as the sun begins to rise I receive a delightful surprise, For the mists begin to glow What a glorious sight to behold As the sun rises higher The mists begin to lift Revealing a beautiful green valley That was hidden below Thank you O gracious God For this place I call home ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9) LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL. Bells ringing inside my head? No! The alarm beside my bed. Come on sleepyhead open your eyes, Wake up, its time to rise. Look outside its a lovely day, Quick get up be on your way. Dont waste time, enjoy every minute, Life is beautiful, delight in it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10) HIGHWAY OF HOLINESS. Walk along the highway The highway of holiness Let Jesus lead the way And follow in his footsteps Walk along the highway The highway of holiness For this is the only way To find true happiness. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11) THE BEST THINGS. Dancing in the fire light Dazzled by the fire bright I cried, when I singed my wings How can I fly to better things There came a voice from within With advice on how to win Fly away from the deadly fires Of earthly pleasures and desires Fly into the heavenly light That shines from Jesus Lord of the best things. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12) EXPRESSING MY LOVE. Wondering how my love to express I heard that inner voice speak Love me with your heart and spirit Let your spirit loose To swoop and swirl and soar Let your imagination Expand the dimension The love you have for me Let your spirit loose And like a silken veil in the wind Dancing and whirling in gay abandon Your spirit will fly higher and higher With the love that I desire. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 13) A WINNER IN CHRIST. When some trouble falls on you Dont let it get you down Imagine it as a ball Climb atop of it and roll
If some burdens come upon you Dont let them make you stoop Think of them as wings Put them on and fly
If strife makes you tremble And sink in the river of life Imagine it as a sailboat Jump aboard and skin along
Troubles, burdens or strife God has given us the power To overcome them all To be a winner in Christ. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 14) THE EYES OF JESUS. When I look into the eyes of Jesus Those beautiful, loving eyes So full of warmth and compassion I feel myself pulled into them And, floating like a feather I fall deeper ever deeper Down into the very heart Of the One who is all love. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 15) BRING THEM TO JESUS. When some little happening, begins to make you jittery Take time out to calm yourself and ask Jesus to help
When wandering thoughts distract your attention while praying Gather them in like straying sheep and place them before Jesus
His loving concern for us, covers every part of our life So whether they be large or small bring all your troubles to Jesus. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 16) DAYS BEGINNING. Dewdrops on the silken petals Shining in the morning sun All Gods creatures begin astirring Another day has begun
Sweet are the songbirds greetings For the morn that is breaking Lilting are the heartstrings mine For the day of Gods making. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 17) SURRENDER. Surrender yourself to God Surrender in sheer delight Abandon your selfish ways And walk in his light
Renew yourself in God Be renewed from within Become a thing of beauty Forgiven for your sin
Accept the love of God Be filled from above Let his love flow through you To others who need some love. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 18) BE A DOER OF THE WORD. I delight in your word my Lord, I meditate on your word my Lord, I chew each word finely, Then let it into my system, To motivate and energize me, To be an active doer, Of your every word my Lord. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 19) DECISION TIME. There must come a time in our life, To give up all rights to ourselves, The right to control our own life. There must come a time to make a decision, To hand the keys of our life to Jesus. We must come before the cross, Humbly, with open heart and mind, And ask Him to takes us, And reign as King of our life, And Master of our soul. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 20) FLOWERS OF LOVE. Jesus, the gardener, plants a seed, A seed of love, in our hearts, He nurtures it with love and care. A shoot appears, then some buds, Then the flowers of love open up, And in the fullness of time, Blossom into full bloom. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 21) OPEN THE DOOR. Sitting in my room, feeling lost and alone Heard a knocking, but theres nobody there I hear whispering, but theres nobody here. There it is again, why, its inside my head Im going crazy, I thought to myself. There it is again, clearer this time. You say you are God, speaking to me Then why dont you speak louder so I can hear? You say you have been knocking to get my attention How long, God have you been trying? All my life, you say, but why, Im nobody You say everybody is somebody to you. Why can I hear you now God and not before? You say I have come to the last of myself now Am I willing to come to you? Yes God! Oh yes! I am, I will ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 22) CAN YOU HEAR. Can you hear the voice of God, In the songs of the birds of the air. Can you hear the voice of God, In the ripple of water over stones. Can you hear the voice of God, In the crash of waves on the shore. Can you hear the voice of God, In the whistle of wind through trees. Can you hear the voice of God, In the laughter of children. Can you hear the voice of God in the still of the night. You may hear the voice of God, In all of these places. If you just listen carefully. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 23) THE TRUEST FRIEND OF ALL. A true friend is someone who is there for you. Someone you can rely on always. A true friend can always be trusted, To be there when you call on them. A true friend will never forsake you, When danger looms ahead. A true friend will always support you, When you need lifting up. A true friend will always be by your side, When you are feeling lonely. We have a friend who is all of this, Jesus is His name. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 24) PICKING PETALS FROM A DAISY. He loves me Yes Jesus loves me, For the Bible tells me so. He loves me not: Not because I deserve it It is just so. He loves me: In spite of all my flaws And failings He loves me not: But not some of the things I may do He loves me; This wonderful truth helps me through each day He loves me not: Nothing can separate me from the love of Jesus Just one more petal to go It makes me happy to know He loves me ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 25) I SEE, I HEAR, I WALK. I see With failing eyesight I see The light of Jesus Shining Brightly I hear Not with diminishing hearing But with my heart I hear The words of Jesus I love you Follow me I walk Albeit it with stumbling steps I walk Following Him ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Poem#20 Flower OF LOVE |



Unknown Gem Type: tlx.tlx.tellyourfriends |