Lost and Found
(This was based on a dream I had)
I was lost in a strange city,
without memory of arriving.
I wandered around blindly,
Bewildered and in a daze,
Through streets wide and narrow,
Looking to me like a maze.
I asked the people around me,
If they could help me please,
As I was lost and afraid,
And could not find my way.
But nobody seemed to know or care,
Which was the right way for me.
It seemed like hours I wandered,
Until I reached a quiet place.
The streets were quiet and shaded.
Not another person in sight.
Then I saw a man standing alone.
Walking up to him I asked,
Sir can you help me please.
Smiling, he spoke my name and said.
My child look up and straight ahead
I looked up and saw, straight and true
Like a stream of pure light,
Your Kingdom
I walk in your kingdom,
Your kingdom is here.
I wait for your kingdom,
It is yet to come.
I rejoice in your kingdom,
The kingdom within.
I delight in your kingdom,
The kingdom within.

The Roadway of Life
When walking along the roadway of life,
And you know in your heart
There is something better.
Seek the one who loves you,
Who eagerly awaits your surrender.
Give your heart to Jesus,
And put your trust in Him.
Take the hand he offers to you,
And he will guide you all the way.
If you should stumble or fall,
He is always there to pick you up.
He will dust you down and set you straight,
Then off you go once more, hand in hand.
So dont be slow, dont waste time,
Before that long roadway ends,
Give your life to Jesus and walk with Him.
Dying to Self
A moth, fluttering and flying,
Dazzled by the light of a candle
Hits the flame and dies
And I, drawn to the light of Christ
Drawn to the light of love
Throw myself into the flame
And die, yes die to self
Then from the flame of Christ
I rise to live a new life
A life living in the Light of Christ.

The Wall, Broken
In sickness pain and depression,
I felt unloved and rejected,
Thinking myself unloved and unlovable,
I turned away from those I loved.
I built a wall around myself,
A wall of stone so safe and secure,
To keep out the hurts and rejections,
I imagined others tossed at me.
Secure behind this wall, I was the one,
Who was hurting those who loved me.
There I would have stayed, sunk in self-pity,
If my Lord had not spoken to me,
I have broken down that wall he said
And trampled it to dust
So you are free once more to love and trust
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