AS CHRISTIAN WE CAN REJOICE AND BE HAPPY PSA.118:24 This is the day that the Lord has made, let us be glad and rejoice in it. JOE2:28,29 And afterwards, I will out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and your daughters will prophesy, your old men will have dreams; your young men will have visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days.
This new covenant that God made with Israel is for all people who are called by His name for all time. God says He will put His Spirit and His word into the hearts of His people, which means His word, is enforceable from within, not an outward demand. This means that a person will yield to the Lord from the heart. The knowledge that one has received salvation from God will fill one with gratitude and gladness and love, so much that we are filled with joy at all times. We will rejoice in Gods love for us. We will rejoice that God loved us so much that He gave His only begotten Son to die for us, a sacrifice for our sins. Rejoice and be happy in the knowledge that nothing can separate us from the love of God.
We can be happy because our God is not a far distant deity that we cannot know but is a God who is here with us. He is our beloved Heavenly Father who loves us and is always with us in all our times of need, to share our times of joy, to comfort us when we are troubled, to guide us along our pathway of life. He will give The Holy Spirit to those who ask, to live within them. He is our greatest friend. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TRUST Y putting our trust in God we can live a life free from worry. Of course we will still have problems in our life but by trusting God we will, with His help be able to overcome these problems. We must pray and ask God for help and have the confidence that He hears our prayers and knows our problems and that He will help us. Sometimes our problems may seem to linger and not be solved but God will solve them in the proper time. We must have enough trust to wait and know that He WILL do it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HARMONY God has called us into fellowship with His Son Jesus, to be at one with Him, children of God, therefore we should live in harmony; that is in tune with one another. If we had a lot of musical instruments all out of tune, playing together, there would be an awful disharmony, but an orchestra fully in tune will make a beautiful sound. We are the body Jesus Christ is the head. We all have different functions but we must work together in harmony to keep the body active and in good health. As Gods children and brothers and sisters of Christ, heirs with Jesus, to the promises of God we should live and work together in harmony, united together in the fellowship of Christ as God called us to. Living as one with Jesus and with each other so that the rest of the world will recognize Jesus in us and know that God is and will be glorified. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TEMPTATION Temptation itself is not a sin but succumbing to the temptation to sin is a sin. Temptation or testing is necessary to us so that we can learn the full extent of our faith and submission to God. We are not the think that we are tested as no one else has been tested (1Cor.10:13) We do not know our capacity to resist doing something we should not do until we have been tempted to do it. God will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear and when we are tempted He will provide a way out for us. God does not save us from the testing but He is with us in the midst of it. We must be ever watchful, ever alert and persevere in our resistance to temptation. Do not give the tempter, Satan, a foothold, so that we can continue to live our life in Christ and receive our crown of glory. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE IMPORTANCE OF PRAYER If we are unable to serve God in a physical way we can serve Him by praying. Prayers are a very important part of our Christian life. It is not just a matter of asking for something, it is a time of being in the presence of God, of seeking God Himself. It is a time of reflection of listening and responding to the voice of God. We cab incorporate into out prayer time a time of meditation, a time of praise and a time of worship. God may not answer our prayers the way we would like them to be answered, He will answered in the way He knows is best for us. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~