
1) A QUIET PLACE It could be found in the corner of a pleasant garden Or on the bank of a rippling stream. It could be found in the shade of a green wood Or on the top of a high mountain. It could be found in the desolation of a wilderness, Or in the beauty of a green valley, It could be found in the midst of a noisy crowd It could be found anywhere, That quiet place to spend time with God. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2) HIS RIGHTFUL PLACE. There is a Christ shaped space In the heart of every person, Many things have been tried, To fill that space inside, Self, most frequently of all. We search the world for something, To give us desired inner peace, But make no mistake dear friends, There will be no peace at all, Till Jesus takes His rightful place. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3) DRAW CLOSER TO GOD. When the sun is shining brightly, And our life is running smoothly. We find it easy to smile and be pleased, To praise and give thanks to God. But when dark clouds begin to gather, And our life looks grim and bleak. We begin to grumble and complain, And blame God when things go wrong. It is when the clouds are the darkest, That we should draw closer to God. For he is the silver lining in every cloud, .The light in the centre of our world. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4) A BUTTERFLY (Psa.22:6) Lord said II am a worm, a lowly crawling worm. But, No said he Not a worm a caterpillar. Then pictured inside my head Emerging from a caterpillar A butterfly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5) A CROSS SHAPED DOORWAY. There is a cross shaped doorway Which we may enter through With a torn curtain tossed aside Which no longer blocks our way We enter but once through this door The doorway of the cross For Jesus, the sacrificial lamb Died but once for all. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6) SOAR LIKE THE EAGLES. One morning, feeling tired and weary, I saw a pair of eagles flying high. I remembered the promise the Lord made That those who hope in Him, Will have their strength renewed And soar like an eagle on the wing. I let my heart in trust and hope, Soar like the eagles up above. I was released from all weariness, And strengthened for the day ahead. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7) PLEASANT WAYS TO SPEND A DAY. Sailing boats skimming along the water, Colourful sails billowing in the breeze, Dipping and leaping through the swelling waves. Happiness showing on smiling faces.
Sitting on the grassy banks of a river, Watching a fishing line drifting slowly, Sleepily wondering if a fish would take the bait. Yet not really caring one way or the other.
When the hassles of life furrow your brow And anxieties begin to get you down Take time to spend some way Relaxing in Gods wonderful creation. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8) BELIEVE. Believe in God for He is there. He surrounds us everywhere. He is in everything around us. He is in the air we breath. He is in the sunshine that shines upon us. He is in the rain that falls upon the earth. Listen to His voice in the wind. In the roar of the ocean waves. Hear His voice in the song of the birds. Hear it in the sounds of the animals. Hear it in the thunder on a stormy night. Hear it in the gentle whisper of a breeze. Look around, and everywhere You will see, evidence of God Whenever you stop and listen, You will hear evidence of God. But best of all believe that God is within us. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9) EACH NEW DAY. When I wake each morning to a new day, I look to you Lord to show me the way. Take my hand Lord and be my constant guide, To steer my steps on the right path. I need you my Lord to cleanse my heart and mind, Of any impurities or wrong thoughts. Let your light shine on me all through the day. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` 10) THE DILAPADATED COTTAGE. We came upon it suddenly, While walking in the bush one day, On the edge of a clearing, A dilapidated cottage. An old man sat on a bench outside, A mangy dog at his feet. He smiled a toothless smile at us. As we hesitantly approached, An old woman appeared at the door, She waved and beckoned us in. Come have some lunch with us Reluctantly we entered, not knowing what to expect. Imagine our surprise at what met our eyes, That cottage was beautiful inside. And what a splendid banquet was on the table. We sat and feasted like kings, And were merrily entertained. When leaving that clearing With the dilapidated cottage, We remembered that we should not Judge, what is on the outside, But as God does, what is within ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11) YOU ARE. You are the light that shines my way When I stumble in the dark. Yours is the voice that whispers to me words of wisdom and encouragement Yours is the hand that guides me When the right path I am seeking You are the hope that springs eternal When things are looking gloomy You are the music in my heart That sings songs of joy You are the love that surrounds me With love and care You are my God. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12) SITTING AT MY WINDOW I sat at my window looking out Watching children playing on the lawn below. Admiring the beautiful flowers in the garden. I looked at the distant green hills, And watched fluffy white clouds above. Listening to the birds chirping in the trees And hens clucking at their newborn chicks. I could hear cows mooing in the fields And dogs barking in the distance. I thought to myself how blessed I was To be alive in such a beautiful world. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I am blessed: I have a bed to sleep in And a roof over my head. I am blessed: I have food on my table And a family to share it with. I am blessed I have eyes to see All the beauty around me. I am blessed: I have ears to hear, The word of God. I am blessed: To be loved by God With an unconditional love. I am blessed: With the privilege Of loving God. I am blessed: To be a child of God. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 14) THINGS I HAVE LEARNED. I have suffered much pain, My body has been wracked with it. But through the valley of suffering, I have learned many things. I have learned to have courage To face each new day as it comes. I have learned to have patience, When healing seemed so far away. I have learned to persevere, When there seemed to be No light at the end of the tunnel. I have learned to have faith, When there seemed to be no hope. I have learned to trust God, And to know that He is always with me, To help me through all my trials.
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