1) COME TO ME AND BE FREE. I was lost and carrying a heavy burden, My heart was troubled within. Then I saw him standing before me, With a beautiful smile, he beckoned, Come to me, he said, and be free. As I stepped out towards him A voice whispered in my ear, Dont follow him it said He will make you give upo all pleasures, All the things you love to do. I hesitated and was tempted To listen to this insidioue voice, But I looked once more to him standind there Beckoning me to come to him. I hesitated no longer and moved forward. Yes Jesus, I come, I come. All my burdens dropped from me. I was free ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2) THE CROSSROADS Standing at the crossroads, Wondering which way to go, I moved towards the first one, It looked so fair and pleasant. But a tugging at my heart told me, This was the wrong way for me. I moved towards the second road, I looked so good to me, With the sun shining on its surface. But again I felt the tugging at my heart, That this was not the way to go. I moved on to the next road, This looked the better way, Splendid trees and pleasant gardens, Growing along the way. This must be the way I thought, But no, again I felt that tug, This was not the road for me. I moved towards the last road, It looked so straight and narrow, With valleys and hills along the way. I stepped on to it with trepidation, But the moment that I did, I felt a peace within my heart, Telling me this was the way. This was Gods way. The best way for me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3) WALKING WITH JESUS. Moonlight shines on the waters surface. Small waves ripple on the shore. The sound of night birds up above. Two figures walking along the beach, Heads bent close together. One speaks in a quiet voice, The other listens in rapt attention. What words does the one speak, That holds the others fascination Words of wisdom, life and love. You and I can hear those words, At any time at any place. If we would have it so. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4) PRAY FOR THE POSSIBLE. Instead of wishing for the impossible, Pray for the possible. Remembering that to God, All things are possible.
Instead of wishing on a star, Pray to God the Father. Remembering, that He, placed The stars where they are.
Dont put your hopes on useless wishing, For wishes are but dead words. Put your hopes in Jesus, Who answers all our prayers. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5) THESE ARE THE TIMES. Why do I have to go through So much suffering and pain? Why do I have to suffer so Lord, please help me to understand. These are the times, says He, When your thoughts turn to me, When I get your whole attention, And I can teach you to know me. Why do I spend so much time In wilderness and deep valleys? These are the places, Says He, When the lessons learned are deepest So dont despair when these things happen, They are all part of the growing process, Of becoming the person in Christs image, The person God wants us to be. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
6) PSTHWAY OF SUFFERING. I walked the pathway of suffering The paths of sickness and pain I walked the way of depression, Walked down it again and again I walked these terrible pathways, Crying out in deep despair. Is there anyone who can help me, Is there anyone to even are. Then came the revelation, There is one who cares for me, Who loves me beyond compare Yes the Lord is his name. So I called on the name of the Lord, Out of the darkness of the night. Now I walk on different pathways In the kingdom of His light. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7) ALONE. What can I do when I feel so alone? What can I do when pain isolates me? What can I do when I have missed the way? What can I do when life seems barren? What can I do when I have lost all hope? What can I do when friends are all gone? What can I do when I am empty inside? What can I do to fill that empty space? What's that you say, turn to God. Yes that's what I will do. I will turn to God. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8) HAPPINESS Happiness is: Listening to the sound of your childrens happy laughter. Happiness is: A mother looking at her newborn child. Happiness is: Sitting in a garden listening to the sounds of nature. Happiness is: Lying in bed listening to the sound of rain on a tin roof. Happiness is: Watching a beautiful sunset over the ocean. Happiness can be found in the simple things of life. But the greatest happiness of all Is knowing you are loved by God. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9) DAWN BREAKS-NIGHT FALLS Dawn breaks over the land, The sun rises over the horizon, Casting shadows along the hillside. The warm sun melts the dew on the grass. And flowers open their petals to the sun, Releasing their perfume into the air. Birds, welcome the morning with song. The sun rises higher into the sky, Dispersing the mist in the valley, Revealing the homestead nestled below. There is sound of stirring within. The family gathers together in prayer, Giving thanks to God for being there. Then each departs their separate way. The day ends, the sun sets Night falls, the time to rest. Once more the family kneel in prayer, To give thanks to God for being there. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10) MORNINGS As I lie on my bed in the morning, Listening to the first sounds of the day. I give thanks God for the new day And that I am alive to see it. Then I ask my Lord to help me, To take my hand and guide me, Step by step through the day. I ask Him to help me recognize Any temptation to sin That may come my way Then to give me the power, To resists the temptation. I ask Him to be my strength When I am weak I ask Him to refresh me When I am weary And so putting my trust in my Lord. I rise and start a new day. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11) STORMBIRDS. Stormbirds flying overhead, Forecasting a storm to come. But there is a storm already within me. I am troubled by fear and grief. Then the wind of the Holy Spirit Comes and blows away my fears, And His rain washes away my tears. A peace ascends upon me. And the storm passes by. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12) A RESTFUL PLACE A little stream runs through a garden. The sound of its merry voice, Making a musical background To the birds twittering in the in the trees. A garden seat placed beside the stream, Makes a pleasant place to rest At the end of a busy day. A place to sit and reflect, On a days work well done. A place to be in the presence of Jesus, To relax in His peace and love. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Poem#7 ALONE |


