I connected to a thing called the Internet.
It opened up the world to me.
I placed my name in pen-pal sites.
Hoping pals to meet.
Many answers I received.
And through this and other ways,
Many friends I have made.
From places all over the world.
Friends to share good times and bad.
Friends to lift me when I am down.
They send me some lovely sites
That fill my heart with joy.
There are sites that inspire
And lift my spirits high.
Some send cheerful sites,
To brighten up my day.
Sometimes there are funny sites,
That do make me smile.
Although we may never meet face to face,
Not in this world anyway.
These friends have enriched my life,
In ways more than I can say.

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Joy In The Word.
Lord, my heart fills with joy,
When I reflect upon your word.
The word that tells me that you love me,
Your word encourages and lifts me,
Lifts me to great heights,
Where my heart sings a song
Of praise and thanksgiving
Oh! How beautiful is your word
The word that is life giving
It is food and drink to my soul.
I delight in your word oh Lord,
That tells me you will never
leave nor forsake me.
Your word lights up my way
It brings comfort and understanding
In time of trial and rejection.
I listen faithfully to your word Lord
Your word brings rest to my soul.
And fills my heart with joy.
Who am I, what is my name?
I ask myself.
As I wander in the darkness.
Take my hand and follow me
And discover who you are.
A voice speaks out of the gloom.
I take the hand that is offered to me
And light replaces the dark.
My heart fills with joy.
I know who I am.
I am a child of God.
And He knows my name.

My God, my God,
Oh how I do love thee,
No words of mine can tell
Search my heart oh Lord
The truth there to find.
My God My God
There are no words I know
To express the gratitude
That from my heart overflows.
My God my God
There is no song sweet enough
To sing the praise I have for you.
He lights up our way.
He guides us each day.
He heals our aches and pains.
He turns our losses into gains.
Our enemies He will destroy.
He turns our sorrows into joys.
He turns our tears into laughter.
He is with us forever after.
Lift Me Up.
I woke in the morning feeling down.
Lift me up sweet Jesus, lift me up.
Pain was pulling me down.
Lift me up sweet Jesus, lift me up.
I was walking down a pathway of darkness.
Lift me up sweet Jesus, lift me up.
Tears kept welling into my eyes.
Lift me up sweet Jesus, lift me up.
I was falling into a pit of self-pity.
Lift me up sweet Jesus, lift me up.
No matter how I tried I couldnt lift myself.
Lift me up Sweet Jesus, lift me up.
How do I end this day of misery?
I get down on my knees and pray.
Lift me up sweet Jesus, lift me up.

Jesus Is Alive.
Jesus Christ died for our sin
And was raised again that we may live.
Let our hearts be filled with joy
Jesus is alive.
Let our hearts be filled with thanksgiving.
Jesus is alive.
Let our hearts be filled with praise.
Jesus is alive.
Rejoice and give thanks
Jesus is alive.
Well Done
God loves us with unconditional love.
He loves us not because we deserve it.
He loves us because it is His nature,
He is the God of love.
It gives us a warm and wonderful feeling,
To have the knowledge of this love,
It makes us want to do our best,
To please our Lord and make Him happy.
What a wonderful experience it will be,
To be with our Lord at the end of the day,
And have Him pat us on the head and say,
Well done my beloved child.
Well done.
 Walk With Me
Come walk with me along the garden path.
Listen to the birds twittering in the trees above.
Stop and admire the flowers along the way.
Look at the marvellous array of colours.
That surround us as we walk.
Listen to the bees buzzing as they collect the pollen.
From the blossoms all around.
Sniff the wonderful aromas that arise
From the flowers, the trees and the earth.
Look at the spider busily spinning its web.
What intricate patterns it makes.
As we move along the garden path
Watch the changing patterns the shadows make.
There is a lizard basking in a patch of sunlight.
There is a snail crawling slowly across the path.
Oh! It is a joy to be alive in such a beautiful place.